Prof. Krzysztof Heyke invites you to the exhibition of his students’ photo reports at the Small Gallery of the Józef Chełmoński State High School of Fine Arts in Nałęczów, 24 Oct. – 22 Nov., 2019
The "Reporters from the Łódź Film School" exhibition was born out of a sudden need. We captured in the photographs important moments believing that our depiction of the world will meet with a reaction - it will trigger discussions. I have run photo reportage classes for 23 years. Today, it is history. The works exhibited here are only a small fraction of our activity. I hope that these photos will become the author's documentation of the events we have become witnesses of and will stimulate reflection on the passage of time. Our authors, students and graduates, implementing a complex form of artistic expression, presented not only photographic skills but also a holistic approach to creativity. Reportage and photojournalists play an important role in the media. Regardless of the progress of technology, they will continue to be the foundation of knowledge about man and the world around him. I believe that our students will meet this challenge.
Prof. Krzysztof Heyke
The exhibition's curator is dr Maciej Błoński.
See the details: lpnaleczow.com/aktualnosci/2019/10/24/wystawa
photo 2 - Renata Dąbrowska
photo 3 - Elżbieta Kasperska
photo 4 - Łukasz Kuś
photo 5 - Jakub Kamiński
Prof. Krzysztof Heyke
The exhibition's curator is dr Maciej Błoński.
See the details: lpnaleczow.com/aktualnosci/2019/10/24/wystawa
photo 2 - Renata Dąbrowska
photo 3 - Elżbieta Kasperska
photo 4 - Łukasz Kuś
photo 5 - Jakub Kamiński