The film debut of Jagoda Szelc “Tower, A Bright Day” will be screened as part of “Work in Progress” being part of IFF in Karlowe Wary.
The “Work in Progress” is the section of the festival, where the representatives of the film industry from around the world are presented with films in post-production stage, that according to the organizers, are the most interesting.
This year we will see a full-length film “Tower, A Bright day” by Jagoda Szelc, a winner of many awards, the Lodz Film School direction student, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw. During the festival, the film will be presented by its director as and Marcin Malatynski, the producer. The Art supervisor of Jagoda's debut is Mariusz Grzegorzek, the Rector of the Lodz Film School. The film is being produced by INDEKS Film Studio, that facilitates the start-ups of the school’s most talented and promising students and graduates. The studio was founded in 1990 as an initiative of Wojciech Jerzy Has, an outstanding film director, lecturer and later the rector of the school. Today the studio bears his name.
„Tower, A Bright Day” is a film about mysterious things happening in the life of a seemingly normal family. Film Cast: Anna Krotoska, Małgosia Szczerbowska, Dorota Łukasiewicz –Kwietniewska, Anna Zubrzycki, Rafał Cieluch, Rafał Kwietniewski, Laila Hennessy, Ida Kwietniewska, Igor Kwietniewski. The director of photography is Przemysław Brynkiewicz, our School's Cinematography Faculty graduate and the person responsible for scenography is Natalia Giza. Project of Jagoda Szelc's film is co-financed by Polish Film Institute.
The 52nd International Film Festival in Karlowe Wary will take place between 30th of June and 8th of July 2017.
Here's film's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/wieza.jasny.dzien/?fref=ts Official web site of INDEKS Film Studio: http://www.studioindeks.pl/
You can find more info on STUDIO's page: http://www.studioindeks.pl/mainslide/wieza-jasny-dzien-z-dotacja-pisf/
This year we will see a full-length film “Tower, A Bright day” by Jagoda Szelc, a winner of many awards, the Lodz Film School direction student, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw. During the festival, the film will be presented by its director as and Marcin Malatynski, the producer. The Art supervisor of Jagoda's debut is Mariusz Grzegorzek, the Rector of the Lodz Film School. The film is being produced by INDEKS Film Studio, that facilitates the start-ups of the school’s most talented and promising students and graduates. The studio was founded in 1990 as an initiative of Wojciech Jerzy Has, an outstanding film director, lecturer and later the rector of the school. Today the studio bears his name.
„Tower, A Bright Day” is a film about mysterious things happening in the life of a seemingly normal family. Film Cast: Anna Krotoska, Małgosia Szczerbowska, Dorota Łukasiewicz –Kwietniewska, Anna Zubrzycki, Rafał Cieluch, Rafał Kwietniewski, Laila Hennessy, Ida Kwietniewska, Igor Kwietniewski. The director of photography is Przemysław Brynkiewicz, our School's Cinematography Faculty graduate and the person responsible for scenography is Natalia Giza. Project of Jagoda Szelc's film is co-financed by Polish Film Institute.
The 52nd International Film Festival in Karlowe Wary will take place between 30th of June and 8th of July 2017.
Here's film's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/wieza.jasny.dzien/?fref=ts Official web site of INDEKS Film Studio: http://www.studioindeks.pl/
You can find more info on STUDIO's page: http://www.studioindeks.pl/mainslide/wieza-jasny-dzien-z-dotacja-pisf/