Jagoda Szelc, a direction student and the director of the film “Tower. A Bright Day” awarded Polityka Passport Prize in the Film Category. Congratulations.
The jury verdict supporting their decision reads: "For independent thinking, freshness of approach, artistic consistency and extremely original way of depicting life on edge in the film “Tower. A Bright Day”
In the Film Category there were two other nominees for the Prize, Piotr Domalewski, the director of the film "Silent Night" and Paweł Maślona, the director of the film "Panic Attack".
Jagoda Szelc studied graphic design at the Wroclaw Academy of Fine Arts and film direction at the Lodz Film School. Her debut film "Tower. A Bright Day." produced by the school Indeks Studio received two awards at the Gdynia Film Festival for Best Screenplay and Best Debut Film. The film was made under the artistic supervision of Mariusz Grzegorzek.
Film’s cinema distribution starts this March.
More info about Polityka Passports at: http://www.polityka.pl/tygodnikpolityka/kultura/paszporty/1733482,1,jagoda-szelc-laureatka-paszporto....
photo from Competition collection - Leszek Zych / Polityka
In the Film Category there were two other nominees for the Prize, Piotr Domalewski, the director of the film "Silent Night" and Paweł Maślona, the director of the film "Panic Attack".
Jagoda Szelc studied graphic design at the Wroclaw Academy of Fine Arts and film direction at the Lodz Film School. Her debut film "Tower. A Bright Day." produced by the school Indeks Studio received two awards at the Gdynia Film Festival for Best Screenplay and Best Debut Film. The film was made under the artistic supervision of Mariusz Grzegorzek.
Film’s cinema distribution starts this March.
More info about Polityka Passports at: http://www.polityka.pl/tygodnikpolityka/kultura/paszporty/1733482,1,jagoda-szelc-laureatka-paszporto....
photo from Competition collection - Leszek Zych / Polityka