Our animation students and their counterparts from Sapir College, Sderot, Israel, are producing together animated films inspired by Levin’s writing. It is already the 3rd workshop of the kind.
The first Polish-Israeli workshop was devoted to the works of Bruno Schulz , the second one to Stanisław Lem. This time the students will derive their inspiration from the literary works of Hanoch Levin, an Israeli playwright, writer, poet and theatre director. The project’s supervisors are Yael Inbar, Ricardo Werdesheim and Jacek Rokosz from our school.
In their work during this artistic encounter the students will combine traditional animation methods (drawings, cut outs, puppets, photo-animation) with contemporary digital techniques (3D animation, compositing, CG special effects). Animators are expected to be creative and multi-talented. They often do the job of a director, screenwriter, artist, animation creator or even an actor while working on their films. The project "In the Footsteps of Hanoch Levin" gives the directors of animated films an opportunity to present a whole range of creative possibilities.
Eight students from each school are involved in the project working in mixed groups to produce 4 animated films.
We are looking forward to seeing the results of their work and we wish them luck!
photos: Filip Szkopiński
In their work during this artistic encounter the students will combine traditional animation methods (drawings, cut outs, puppets, photo-animation) with contemporary digital techniques (3D animation, compositing, CG special effects). Animators are expected to be creative and multi-talented. They often do the job of a director, screenwriter, artist, animation creator or even an actor while working on their films. The project "In the Footsteps of Hanoch Levin" gives the directors of animated films an opportunity to present a whole range of creative possibilities.
Eight students from each school are involved in the project working in mixed groups to produce 4 animated films.
We are looking forward to seeing the results of their work and we wish them luck!
photos: Filip Szkopiński