The School Electoral Committee informs that the Senate of the Lodz Film School (PWSFTviT), at its meeting on June 24, 2020, adopted an amendment of the election schedule.
29, June, 2020 (Monday) Meeting of candidates for the Rector with members of the School Electoral Body.
Programme presentations of candidates followed by a series of questions for all candidates.
Questions for selected candidates, including those sent by e-mail. Final speeches of candidates.
The pre-election meeting with the candidates will be streamed online.
Each member of the school community will receive a link to the meeting on YouTube on Saturday, June 27, 2020.
Rector's election by the School Electoral Body:
1st round, 3 July 2020, through the GŁOSUJ24 platform, 9.00 - 13.00
2nd round, 6 July 2020, through the GŁOSUJ24 platform, 9.00 - 13.00
3rd round, 7 July 2020, through the GŁOSUJ24 platform, 9.00 - 13.00
Election of Vice-Rectors by the School Body of Electors: July 15, 2020, through the GŁOSUJ24 platform, between 9.00 - 13.00
Elections of Deans and Vice-Deans will have been conducted by Department Electoral Committees by 31, July, 2020.
The election of representatives to the Senate will have been conducted by the relevant Election Committees, after announcing the composition of the Senate, by 15, August, 2020.
Details available at: https://www.filmschool.lodz.pl/szkola/wybory-2020
29, June, 2020 (Monday) Meeting of candidates for the Rector with members of the School Electoral Body.
Programme presentations of candidates followed by a series of questions for all candidates.
Questions for selected candidates, including those sent by e-mail. Final speeches of candidates.
The pre-election meeting with the candidates will be streamed online.
Each member of the school community will receive a link to the meeting on YouTube on Saturday, June 27, 2020.
Rector's election by the School Electoral Body:
1st round, 3 July 2020, through the GŁOSUJ24 platform, 9.00 - 13.00
2nd round, 6 July 2020, through the GŁOSUJ24 platform, 9.00 - 13.00
3rd round, 7 July 2020, through the GŁOSUJ24 platform, 9.00 - 13.00
Election of Vice-Rectors by the School Body of Electors: July 15, 2020, through the GŁOSUJ24 platform, between 9.00 - 13.00
Elections of Deans and Vice-Deans will have been conducted by Department Electoral Committees by 31, July, 2020.
The election of representatives to the Senate will have been conducted by the relevant Election Committees, after announcing the composition of the Senate, by 15, August, 2020.
Details available at: https://www.filmschool.lodz.pl/szkola/wybory-2020