Do you want to help with creating future interactive narratives? Now is your chance. Even if this is to be your first encounter with an interactive non-fiction form. vnLab welcomes you.
Interactive documentaries and online reportages are created in the vnLab Interactive Narratives Studio at the Łódź Film School.
Research on the projects carried out in the studio is currently underway.
It will make it possible to better understand the functioning and reception of interactive documentary narratives and thus better prepare for the realization of future works and work with other artists who want to deal with this form.
You don't need a mask – research is done online.
We are very curious about your opinions.
Details: http://vnlab.filmschool.lodz.pl/pracownia-narracji-interaktywnych/wez-udzial-w-badniu-interaktywnych...
Short cut: fill in and send the application form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=-mO5lGaIUEGtrAci32bu4qGFIYzz2ZlFsDlU5lEpOZ9UQko2...
If you have any questions or remarks, please write to us: e.drygalska@vnlab.org
Research on the projects carried out in the studio is currently underway.
It will make it possible to better understand the functioning and reception of interactive documentary narratives and thus better prepare for the realization of future works and work with other artists who want to deal with this form.
You don't need a mask – research is done online.
We are very curious about your opinions.
Details: http://vnlab.filmschool.lodz.pl/pracownia-narracji-interaktywnych/wez-udzial-w-badniu-interaktywnych...
Short cut: fill in and send the application form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=-mO5lGaIUEGtrAci32bu4qGFIYzz2ZlFsDlU5lEpOZ9UQko2...
If you have any questions or remarks, please write to us: e.drygalska@vnlab.org