Best animation films in Annecy
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31. 03. 2014.

Animated films "Nieprawdopodobnie elastyczny człowiek" by Karolina Specht, "Gruby i chudy" by Aleksandra Brożyna and "Hipopotamy" by Piotr Dumała screening at the biggest animation festival in Annecy!

"Nieprawdopodobnie elastyczny człowiek" by Karolina Specht, a second year animation student (artistic supervision Henryk Ryszka & Aleksandra Chrapowicka), is a 5 minute-long story about a man who was born shapeless. Constant deformations and being forced into other shapes evokes a sense of rebellion in him. Is it possible for him to live free from the influence of others? Who and what determines what we are eventually?

A diploma animation "Gruby i chudy" by Aleksandra Brożyna (artistic supervision Mariusz Wilczyński), produced by the Fumi Studio and the Lodz Film School has been selected for competition in the student animation category. The film main characters live their lives following strange routines, which seem to be essential for their peace of mind. The world they live in can be surprising in many ways. We follow their attempts to satisfy their inner hunger. In order to discover their secret it is necessary to look back.

The animation "Hipopotamy" by Piotr Dumała, a Lodz Film School lecturer, has been selected for the international competition. Seven young naked women who are bathing in a forest river with children are being watched by a few thrilled naked men hidden in the bushes. Eventually one of the men decides to woo one of the women who however rejects his advances. The man accidently falls into the water and is ridiculed by the others. Embarrassed he’s trying to take the woman by force.

The 38 Festival in Annecy received 2, 298 entries from 88 countries.

The photos 1-5 are the frames from "Nieprawdopodobnie elastyczny człowiek" by Karolina Specht; 6-8 from "Gruby i chudy" by Aleksandra Brożyna; and 9-11 from"Hipopotamy" by Piotr Dumała We thank the Fumi Studio for the photos