Busy July for the animated film HEADPRICKLES by Katarzyna Miechowicz. It will be presented in the programmes of two international festivals, in Italy and Mexico.
If you are being bothered by intrusive thoughts, such as:
How many plastic bags are optimal for packing one banana?
What ensures victory in the skeleton competition?
Where do we come from?
What are we?
Where are we going?
or Should I shower with my socks on? Will I face any consequences? - then - that's great!
“Headprickles” will give you an answer to at least one of these questions. The film consists of over a dozen animated enigrams connected by the motif of being trapped in a loop of absurdity. In visually colorful labyrinth of observations, the protagonists try to make sense of nonsense - or they stay mindlessly in it. "Headprickles" probably won’t change the world, will not cause a shock or a revolution, but - maybe – it will make audience’s heads a little itchy during the projection?
In the coming days, Katarzyna Miechowicz's film will be seen by viewers at:
* Guanajuato International Film Festival in Mexico (20-31, July) programa.giff.mx/esp and
* Lago Film Fest in Revine Lago, Italy, where it will be screened in Young Adults Competition (21-29, July) lagofest.org
The film’s artistic supervisiors are Mariusz Wilczyński and Joanna Jasińska.
The film has already won the Silver Viper award in the "Anima.PL" competition at the "Etiuda & Anima" International Film Festival in Krakow and a distinction at the "Tricky Women" Film Festival in Vienna.
Good luck!
How many plastic bags are optimal for packing one banana?
What ensures victory in the skeleton competition?
Where do we come from?
What are we?
Where are we going?
or Should I shower with my socks on? Will I face any consequences? - then - that's great!
“Headprickles” will give you an answer to at least one of these questions. The film consists of over a dozen animated enigrams connected by the motif of being trapped in a loop of absurdity. In visually colorful labyrinth of observations, the protagonists try to make sense of nonsense - or they stay mindlessly in it. "Headprickles" probably won’t change the world, will not cause a shock or a revolution, but - maybe – it will make audience’s heads a little itchy during the projection?
In the coming days, Katarzyna Miechowicz's film will be seen by viewers at:
* Guanajuato International Film Festival in Mexico (20-31, July) programa.giff.mx/esp and
* Lago Film Fest in Revine Lago, Italy, where it will be screened in Young Adults Competition (21-29, July) lagofest.org
The film’s artistic supervisiors are Mariusz Wilczyński and Joanna Jasińska.
The film has already won the Silver Viper award in the "Anima.PL" competition at the "Etiuda & Anima" International Film Festival in Krakow and a distinction at the "Tricky Women" Film Festival in Vienna.
Good luck!