The School's position on Internet royalties
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23. 02. 2024.

The position of the Lodz Film School on royalties for creators for the use of their works on streaming and VOD platforms.

We are concerned about the removal of the mechanism from the draft amendment to the Act on Copyright and Related Rights, which was intended to provide creators with appropriate remuneration for the use of their works on streaming and VOD platforms. Such action is contrary to the spirit of Article 18 of the European directive, which aims to protect the interests of creators by guaranteeing them a fair share in the benefits arising from the digital distribution of their works.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that most European Union Member States have long introduced regulations guaranteeing authors statutory royalties or other effective legal mechanisms ensuring fair remuneration for the commercial exploitation of their works on the Internet. In response to the directive, Poland should strive to implement solutions that fully respect the rights of creators.

We emphasize that the Act on Copyright and Related Rights, which contains provisions regulating the remuneration of authors for the broadcast of their works, was adopted by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland in 1994 and covered all the fields of exploitation then in existence. The emergence of Internet broadcasts naturally expands these fields, which should be reflected in the amendment being prepared.

With regard to the above, the Lodz Film School expresses its deep disappointment with the direction the draft amendment is taking, and emphasizes the need to introduce changes which will ensure fair treatment for film and series creators in the digital era. This is not only a matter of respect for creative work, but also the foundation on which the future of culture and art in our country should be based.