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02. 04. 2024.

We recommend the exhibition of Marek Szyryk, a respected photographic artist, Vice-Rector for Students and Curriculum at our School, to be held in the ZPAF Old Gallery in Warsaw.


Stara Galeria ZPAF, Plac Zamkowy 8, Warsaw
Organizer: Warsaw District of the Association of Polish Art Photographers
Exhibition opening: April 4 (Thursday) at 18:30
The exhibition runs until 5, May 2024

"The exhibition to which I am pleased to invite you is a testimony to the world seen through the eyes of a boy. I took photos between my eleventh and sixteenth birthdays with simple Smena and Zenit cameras. Back then - being young and knowing next to nothing about photography and with random technical skills, I was only close to my peers. Guided by a certain kind of unconscious maturity, I managed to catch moments that were carefree and full of joy and spontaneity. Today, looking at these photographs, I see not only a record of my youthful years but also the need to reflect on eternal questions about dreams, aspirations and the need to face reality.

Today, children's unpretentious and imaginative games contrast with the realities of life seen through the eyes of a mature man. Moments from a land of freedom and happiness often captured in a dynamic frame, honour my belief in the beauty of life. My nostalgic journey has undoubtedly a deeply personal aspect, but I hope that it can awaken memories and thus evoke universal reflections on the passing of time and perhaps on unfulfilled childhood dreams." Marek Szyryk

Marek Szyryk was born in Niemodlin in 1966. He lives and works in Łódź. He is an academic lecturer, full professor, and Vice-Rector of our School. Since 2000, he has been a member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers. He is the creator of classic photographs and installations. He has organized many student exhibitions and presented his works at individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad. His photographic journey bears the features of an old craft in which the artist not only created objects but also honed his personality through art. He often refers to Japanese haiku poetry by discovering that which is fleeting, transient, fragile and at the same time, eternal and beautiful. Being open to the contemporary language of photography, he follows different photographic paths and enjoys this journey. Author of volumes of haiku and the books "Touching the Collodion" and "Exercises in Looking”.

photos: Marek Szyryk