The 42nd Drama Schools’ Festival round the corner
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08. 05. 2024. Department

From 20 to 26 May, we invite you to the 42nd Drama Schools’ Festival running in Łódź. We are looking forward to daring performances.

A metaphorical confrontation which requires both boldness and maturity. A once-in-a-lifetime exam of this kind in front of the audience and critics. For the last time, final-year students of Polish drama schools will be playing as an academic group. Let's see them on the threshold of professional adulthood.

Not so long ago, they tasted their first taste of success, having passed the entrance exam to a drama school. They know exactly where perseverance can lead. Years of hard work, exhausting training, complex interpretations, and exploration of one's strengths and weaknesses. In his professional career, an actor makes many decisions. And the decision is both a stigma and a privilege of adulthood. It's time for the finale.

The decision to create real theatre in the era of media noise is a sign of courage.

Let's look out for their bold performances!

We invite you to 15 diploma shows by students from the following schools: Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow Branch in Bytom, Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow Branch in Wrocław, Theatre Academy in Warsaw, Theatre Academy in Warsaw Branch in Białystok and the Acting Department of the Film School in Łódź.

Bold decisions will also be made by the jury composed of Katarzyna Kalwat, Jacek Kopciński, Anka Sasnal, Agnieszka Smoczyńska and Eliza Kujan (from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage), which will select this year's winners.

The shows will be staged in famous places in Łódź: the Kazimierz Dejmek Nowy Theatre, the Studyjny Theatre, the Arlekin Puppet Theatre and the Film School.

As an accompanying event, the "Drama Schools’ Festival winners on the big screen", we will watch films featuring actors and actresses who have already had their artistic initiation. After the screenings, we invite you to meetings with them. Note: admission to screenings and meetings is free!

Free admission is also valid for other accompanying events: meeting with the jury of the 42nd DSF, off shows and the screening of the documentary film ZOSTAĆ AKTOREM (BECOMING AN ACTOR) dir. Karol Włudarczyk, Barbara Fronc.

Follow the festival events – on DSF  and, on the website and in the social media of the Lodz Film School and the Studyjny Theatre.

Share your impressions, we crave creative confrontations and interactions.

See the video:

Lodz Film School

Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow
Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow Branch in Bytom
Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow Branch in Wrocław
Theatre Academy in Warsaw
Theatre Academy in Warsaw Branch in Białystok
Studyjny Theatre in Łódź
Kazimierz Dejmek Nowy Theatre in Łódź

Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund - a state earmarked fund.
The task is co-financed from the budget of the Łódź Voivodeship Local Government.
The task is co-financed by the Łódź City Council.

Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz Voivode of Łódź, Dorota Ryl
The Mayor of Łódź, Hanna Zdanowska

Henryk Ryl Arlekin Puppet Theatre in Łódź, Millennium Bank, Uni-Lex Group, TOYA, Opus Film, EC1 Łódź - City of Culture, National Centre for Film Culture, Łódź UNESCO City of Film, Trade Union of Polish Actors ZZAP, University of Łódź, Film Museum in Łódź, Polish Stages Artists' Union ZASP, Drama and Theatre Agency ADiT, MPK Łódź

TVP Kultura, Gazeta Wyborcza, TVP Łódź, Radio Łódź, TV Toya, Łódź.pl, Plaster Łódzki, Dziennik Teatralny,, Teatr, Chodźże Do Teatru,, Teatr Dla Wszystkich

Author of the graphic design of 42nd DSF: Krzysztof KUKI Iwański