21st MDAG – films by our lecturers and graduates
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13. 05. 2024.

This year's programme includes documentaries by our lecturers, graduates and students.

The 21st edition of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival runs from 10 to19, May (in cinemas) and from 21, May to 3, June (online).

The Polish Film Competition includes the film TWENTY YEARS AFTER: C.K.O.D.3 directed by Piotr Szczepański (graduate of the Cinematography and TV Production Dept.), produced by Anna Pachnicka (graduate and dean of the Film Art Organization Dept.) Piotr Szczepański is also the film’s screenwriter, cinematographer, editor and, together with Robert Sędzicki, co-author of the sound.

Film’s profile at mdag.pl/21/en/warszawa/movie/Twenty-Years-After
Film profile on filmpolski.pl

The Short Film Competition also includes the film FRESHMAN from the Munk Studio, directed by Michał Edelman (graduate of the Film and TV Directing Dept.) and Tomasz Pawlik and shot by the latter (student of the Cinematography and TV Production Dept.), edited by students from the Editing Faculty - Przemysław Krężel and Julia Polkowska. The music was composed by Joanna Szczęsnowicz (graduate of the Editing Faculty). The artistic supervisor of the film is our lecturer, Wojciech Staroń.

Film’s profile at mdag.pl/21/en/warszawa/movie/Swiezak
Film profile on filmpolski.pl

And in the section 75 years of the Educational Films Studio in Łódź and in the Warsaw Documentary Award Competition you can see a film by Franciszek Berbeka (student of the Film and TV Directing Dept.) entitled INDISTINCT CLATTER OF BIRDS. Stefan Żółtowski (student of the Cinematography and TV Production Dept.) worked as the DOP on the film. The film, which also contains archive materials, was edited by Natalia Jastrzębska (graduate of the Editing Faculty). The artistic supervisor is Jacek Bławut, a school lecturer. The film was produced by the Educational Films’ Studio (WFO) in Łódź .

Film’s profile at mdag.pl/21/en/warszawa/movie/Niewyrazny-klekot
Film profile on filmpolski.pl

You will find a time-table of screenings (dates and times) on the profile of individual films at the MDAG festival website.

still 2 – FRESHMAN