Drama Schools’ Festival: winners on big screen
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14. 05. 2024. Department

While there is a busy atmosphere in theatres due to festival shows, the cinema invites you to screenings with the participation of filmmakers. Guests: Filip Pławiak, Edyta Torhan and Jakub Sierenberg

"Drama Schools’ Festival winners on the big screen" is an event accompanying the Drama Schools’ Festival.

We organize meetings with actors and actresses who once, being last year students, presented their diploma show at the Drama Schools Festival. Now, you can see them on the big screen in their latest films which we will screen in a special programme.

The series serves to promote the art of acting among the audience, both festival and local, and shows the career path of actors and actresses from the theatre to the big screen.

* Admission to the screenings and the meeting is FREE (number of seats is limited) - this event is for the festival audience, local audience, EVERYONE.

* After the screenings, we invite you to meetings with the guests.


21, May (Tuesday), at 6 p.m. Kinematograf Cinema (Film Museum) BŁAZNY, dir. Gabriela Muskała
Special screening of the acting students diploma film
Guests: Gabriela Muskała, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Magdalena Dwurzyńska, Jan Łuć, Klaudia Koścista, Karolina Kostoń, Szymon Kukla.

22, May (Wednesday), at 6 p.m. EC1- Łódź / NCKF (entrance from Hasa Street), Odeon hall (3 floor)
BIAŁA ODWAGA, dir. Marcin Koszałka Guest: Filip Pławiak
* There are 2 places in the cinema hall suited for people in wheelchairs

23, May (Thursday), at 6 p.m. EC1- Łódź / NCKF (entrance from Hasa Street), Odeon hall (3 floor)
NORWEGIAN DREAM, dir. Leiv Igor Devold
Guests: Leiv Igor Devold, Edyta Torhan, Jakub Sierenberg and Hubert Miłkowski
* There are 2 places in the cinema hall suited for people in wheelchairs

The meetings will be hosted by Łukasz Maciejewski, lecturer at the Acting Dept.

Here are the Drama Schools’ Festival winners on the big screen:

Born in 1989. Theatre and film actor. Acting graduate of the Lodz Film School. Associated with Och-Teatr in Warsaw. Known for films such as BILET NA KSIĘŻYC (A TICKET TO THE MOON), dir. Jacek Bromski (2013), PROSTA HISTORIA O MORDERSTWIE (A SIMPLE STORY ABOUT MURDER) dir. Arkadiusz Jakubik (2016), WOŁYŃ dir. Wojciech Smarzowski (2016) or CZERWONY PAJĄK (RED SPIDER) dir. Marcin Koszałka (2015) - for the role of Karol Kremer he was nominated for the Zbyszek Cybulski Award. His role as Kordian Oryński in the TV series CHYŁKA, dir. Łukasz Palkowski, Marek Wróbel, brought him popularity. Łukasz Palkowski, Marek Wróbel. Lately, you could see him in the series ROJST. MILLENIUM dir. Jan Holoubek.
At the 30th Festival of Theatre Schools in 2012, he received the Opus Film Studio Award for his role in the play "Z Różewicza dyplom"("A diploma from Różewicza").

Polish theatre, television and film actress, associated with theatres in Wrocław, Legnica, Kraków and Warsaw. A graduate of acting from the AST in Krakow. She created many film characters in productions such as: KAMCZATKA, dir. Jerzy Kowynia (2013) – award for the female role at the Koszalin Film Debuts Festival "Młodzi i Film", FALE, dir. Grzegorz Zariczny (2016), BO WE MNIE JEST SEKS (BECAUSE THERE IS SEX IN ME) dir. Katarzyna Klimkiewicz (2021) and FILIP dir. Michał Kwieciński (2022). Known to a wider audience for series such as: SEXIFY, MÓJ AGENT (MY AGENT), SZADŹ.
At the 11th Festival of Theatre Schools in 1993 (then: National Review of Diploma Plays of Theatre Schools in Łódź), she was awarded for the roles of Martha and Lady Capulet in "Romeo and Juliet" and Kleantis in "Zdrady miłosne"("Amorous Betrayals").

Born in 1996. Acting graduate of the Lodz Film School. He made his debut on the big screen in BOŻE CIAŁO (CORPUS CHRISTI), dir. Jan Komasa (2019). He has several roles in feature films: JOHNNY dir. Daniel Jaroszek (2023), STREFA INTERESÓW (THE ZONE OF INTEREST) dir. Jonathan Glazer (2023), NORWEGIAN DREAM, dir. Leiv Igor Devold (2023), BŁAZNY (THE CLOWNS) dir. Gabriela Muskała (2023), KOS dir. Paweł Maślona (2024), as well as roles in theatre plays, TV series and in award-winning student films.
At the 39th Theatre Schools Festival in 2021, he received a special distinction for his roles in the plays "To się u nas nie może wydarzyć" and "Mewa"("The Seagull").

Complete programme of the 42nd Drama Schools’ Festival: festiwalszkolteatralnych.pl

Kino Kinematograf (Muzeum Kinematografii in Lodz)
Narodowe Centrum Kultury Filmowej
EC1 - Lodz Miasto Kultury

photo 1 - F. PŁAWIAK, by Weronika Ławniczak
photo 2 - E. TORHAN, by Zofia Kowalewska
photo 3 - J. SIERENBERG, by Maria Ornaf and Zuzanna Zachara-Hassairi