How do you resonate with art?
All news
14. 05. 2024.

That is the question! We would like to invite you to the international seminar 'How Do We Resonate with Art? which will take place on Saturdayh the 18th May, 2-4 PM, online.

This seminar is based on our explorative research into the reception of selected examples of Polish contemporary artworks, which can be found at

The scientists from the Sociology Department at the University of Lodz and Lodz Film School: Tomasz Ferenc, PhD, UŁ prof.; Kamila Biały PhD; and Dagna Kidoń, PhD (Director of Photography & Television Production Department) have attempted to apply a phenomenological and field theory-based perspective, among others, to the study of art reception.

In this seminar, they will draw from various epistemologies - socio-cultural, neuronal, and embodied - to explore the foundations of aesthetic perception with you.

They will delve into questions such as: Is the perception of works always mediated? Can we measure the immediacy of seeing? Is the experience of art a situationally variable process? 
They used a variety of methodologies in their research, ranging from cognitively oriented eye-tracking and survey research to phenomenologically inspired in-depth interviews.

If you are interested in joining us online on Saturday, May 18th, from 2pm-4pm CET (8am-10am EDT), please email directly to:

We hope you can help us enrich our understanding of this cross-disciplinary process, which, as it happens, also concerns psychotherapy.
Feel welcome to join us!