The Gala of the "Audionomia Award" Competition for the best audio reportage in Poland and the award ceremony are behind us. The Lodz Film School was a Partner of the event.
On Saturday, the winners recognized for their sound stories were announced. The event was the culmination of the 3rd International Sound Reportage Conference which took place at the Film Museum in Łódź from last Thursday. Once again, Audionomia, a festival of sound and storytelling, connected people from different audio worlds.
The 3rd International Audio Reportage Conference Audionomia 2024 has ended. Reporters, researchers, podcasters, sound engineers, freelancers, authors and representatives of cultural institutions met at the Film Museum in Łódź. Over the course of three days, participants listened to reports nominated for the "Audionomia Award", held discussions on various aspects of audio art and working with sound materials.
- It is very satisfying to observe that people here get a powerful injection of good energy, inspiration and simple friendly kindness. As a community, we are becoming more visible. And this is exactly what we want - for documentaries and audio reports to be present in the consciousness of recipients of broadly understood culture - says Katarzyna Michalak from the Audionomia Foundation.
The event also included lectures, workshops, a sound walk and a discussion panel. Among those sharing their knowledge and experience were: Katarzyna Michalak, Anna Dudzińska and Anna Sekudewicz – award-winning reporters, and Irishman Liam O’Brien – an outstanding creator and head of RTÉ Documentary on One.
Audionomia Award 2024 Winners
The Audionomia Award ceremony was a real celebration for all lovers of audio reportage and audio non-fiction stories. The jury awarded exceptional prizes, appreciating the authors for their sensitivity, creative courage and masterful use of sound.
The Audionomia Award and statuette went to Anna Dudzińska for the report "Siedem taktów od sławy" for the coherent, consistent implementation of the idea of an author's story about choices and human fates inscribed in great history. Honorary distinctions were awarded to Aleksandra Sadokierska for "Bliscy z przeszłości" for the richness of sounds, sensitivity and respect for a person who builds their own identity based on historical events, and Joanna Sikora for "Trzy Marie" for a moving story about the cycle of life and old age, in which the simplicity of the means of radio expression used opens up the depth of meaning.
The Audionomia Sound Design award went to Artur Giordano for "Kryptoscam" and "Siedem taktów od sławy" for the immense musical culture and compositional sensitivity of the production, which makes every sound have its place and meaning. Honorary distinctions were given to Paulina Pikiewicz, Katarzyna Szczerba, Piotr Jezio rko for "Moje wielkie skejt story" for the richness of sound imagination, which breaks the patterns of journalistic storytelling.
ERGOnomics - the ERGO Hestia award for socially sensitive reporting went to Agnieszka Szwajgier and Dorota Salus for the series "Kryptoscam" - for an excellent script and interesting form of narrative, as well as insightful examination of the difficult and widespread problem of online fraud related to cryptocurrencies.
The jury also awarded three equal Debut Awards, appreciating: Alicja Głów for "Moje wszystko" - for beautiful sounds and space which allows for closeness with the main character; Aleksandra Malatyńska for "I bidy się nie bać" - for the naturalness and directness of the recordings which reveal interpersonal relationships, and Marlena Dumin for "Jadę na sztelę" - for the consistent design idea and its implementation.
The gala was graced by the amazing concert of Iza Połońska and Witek Cisło "Wystaczy być", which took us to the world of audio solace.
The Audionomia Award competition aims to promote quality audio reportage and integrate the community of reporters and audio creators. Thanks to this initiative, we are strengthening the bonds between non-fiction enthusiasts, jointly building the future of audio stories. There is a huge need in people to listen, a need for closeness to another person. Audionomia responds to these needs - sums up Magdalena Świerczyńska-Dolot, president of the Audionomia Foundation.
The Conference is organized by the Audionomia Foundation. Co-organizers are: the Department of Journalism and Social Communication of the Lodz University, the Film Museum and the G. and K. Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź.
Partners: Audioteka, Faculty of Philology of the University of Łódź, National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź, University of Finance and Information Technology in Łódź, Topography Association, Torba Reportera i Podcastera and Widzew Łódź.
The patrons of the Competition are: ERGO Hestia and the Łódź Arte Foundation.
Media patronage is provided by: Radio 357, Polskie Radio S.A., Radio Łódź, Radio Lublin, Glissando, the Art Book Museum in Łódź, the Voice Laboratory in Łódź and Presto Publishing.
More details available at: www.audionomia.pl and facebook.com/FundacjaAudionomia.
source: Audionomia Foundation press release
The 3rd International Audio Reportage Conference Audionomia 2024 has ended. Reporters, researchers, podcasters, sound engineers, freelancers, authors and representatives of cultural institutions met at the Film Museum in Łódź. Over the course of three days, participants listened to reports nominated for the "Audionomia Award", held discussions on various aspects of audio art and working with sound materials.
- It is very satisfying to observe that people here get a powerful injection of good energy, inspiration and simple friendly kindness. As a community, we are becoming more visible. And this is exactly what we want - for documentaries and audio reports to be present in the consciousness of recipients of broadly understood culture - says Katarzyna Michalak from the Audionomia Foundation.
The event also included lectures, workshops, a sound walk and a discussion panel. Among those sharing their knowledge and experience were: Katarzyna Michalak, Anna Dudzińska and Anna Sekudewicz – award-winning reporters, and Irishman Liam O’Brien – an outstanding creator and head of RTÉ Documentary on One.
Audionomia Award 2024 Winners
The Audionomia Award ceremony was a real celebration for all lovers of audio reportage and audio non-fiction stories. The jury awarded exceptional prizes, appreciating the authors for their sensitivity, creative courage and masterful use of sound.
The Audionomia Award and statuette went to Anna Dudzińska for the report "Siedem taktów od sławy" for the coherent, consistent implementation of the idea of an author's story about choices and human fates inscribed in great history. Honorary distinctions were awarded to Aleksandra Sadokierska for "Bliscy z przeszłości" for the richness of sounds, sensitivity and respect for a person who builds their own identity based on historical events, and Joanna Sikora for "Trzy Marie" for a moving story about the cycle of life and old age, in which the simplicity of the means of radio expression used opens up the depth of meaning.
The Audionomia Sound Design award went to Artur Giordano for "Kryptoscam" and "Siedem taktów od sławy" for the immense musical culture and compositional sensitivity of the production, which makes every sound have its place and meaning. Honorary distinctions were given to Paulina Pikiewicz, Katarzyna Szczerba, Piotr Jezio rko for "Moje wielkie skejt story" for the richness of sound imagination, which breaks the patterns of journalistic storytelling.
ERGOnomics - the ERGO Hestia award for socially sensitive reporting went to Agnieszka Szwajgier and Dorota Salus for the series "Kryptoscam" - for an excellent script and interesting form of narrative, as well as insightful examination of the difficult and widespread problem of online fraud related to cryptocurrencies.
The jury also awarded three equal Debut Awards, appreciating: Alicja Głów for "Moje wszystko" - for beautiful sounds and space which allows for closeness with the main character; Aleksandra Malatyńska for "I bidy się nie bać" - for the naturalness and directness of the recordings which reveal interpersonal relationships, and Marlena Dumin for "Jadę na sztelę" - for the consistent design idea and its implementation.
The gala was graced by the amazing concert of Iza Połońska and Witek Cisło "Wystaczy być", which took us to the world of audio solace.
The Audionomia Award competition aims to promote quality audio reportage and integrate the community of reporters and audio creators. Thanks to this initiative, we are strengthening the bonds between non-fiction enthusiasts, jointly building the future of audio stories. There is a huge need in people to listen, a need for closeness to another person. Audionomia responds to these needs - sums up Magdalena Świerczyńska-Dolot, president of the Audionomia Foundation.
The Conference is organized by the Audionomia Foundation. Co-organizers are: the Department of Journalism and Social Communication of the Lodz University, the Film Museum and the G. and K. Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź.
Partners: Audioteka, Faculty of Philology of the University of Łódź, National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź, University of Finance and Information Technology in Łódź, Topography Association, Torba Reportera i Podcastera and Widzew Łódź.
The patrons of the Competition are: ERGO Hestia and the Łódź Arte Foundation.
Media patronage is provided by: Radio 357, Polskie Radio S.A., Radio Łódź, Radio Lublin, Glissando, the Art Book Museum in Łódź, the Voice Laboratory in Łódź and Presto Publishing.
More details available at: www.audionomia.pl and facebook.com/FundacjaAudionomia.
source: Audionomia Foundation press release