TRAINS leave IDFA station with awards!
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22. 11. 2024. Department

The International Documentary Festival Amsterdam Award for Best Film went to TRAINS by Maciej Drygas. The IDFA Award for Best Editing went to Rafał Listopad. Congratulations to our lecturers!

The jury of The Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival presented the awards.     
We wrote about the selection of films from the Lodz Film School in the previous news (

We are proud to announce that our lecturers from the Directing Department: Maciej Drygas and Rafał Listopad are IDFA award winners. Maciej Drygas received the IDFA Award for Best Film in the International Competition for the film TRAINS. Rafał Listopad won the IDFA Award for Best Editing in the International Competition for the film TRAINS directed by Maciej Drygas.


Complete verdict:

screenplay and direction: Maciej Drygas (directing lecturer)
editing: Rafał Listopad (editing lecturer)
music: Paweł Szymański
producer: Vita Żelakeviciute
production: Drygas Film Production
co-production: Polish Television, Era Film

A train compartment is a place where a person is temporarily torn out of the context of everyday existence. For a few hours or a few days, they are in a new society, and their life goes on according to the time marked by the timetable. There is something beautiful, and magical about a train journey, but often also very painful. Sometimes the journey is accompanied by hope, or - there is no hope at all. The joy of travel becomes a curse, and tears of joy mix with the pain of despair. Trains is an original, reflective journey through the 20th century composed exclusively of archive materials. A beautiful and bitter image without words, accompanied by a sophisticated sound design with music by Paweł Szymański.

See the trailer