Our cinematography graduates are among the nominees for the Polish Society of Cinematographers Awards. The winners will be announced during the gala on 29, March.
The PSC Awards nominees in the Feature Film category include:
* Tomasz Naumiuk for IMAGO * Michał Englert for KOBIETA Z...
* Piotr Sobociński Jr for KOS
The PSC Awards nominees in the Documentary Film category include:
* Piotr Szczepański for DWADZIEŚCIA LAT PÓŹNIEJ: C.K.O.D.3
* Aleksandr Tsymbaliuk for KOKA
* Olgierd Michalak (our graduate), Rafał Hamrol for KRĄG PUTINA. TAJEMNICE ROSYJSKICH MAJĄTKÓW W EUROPIE
* Zuzanna Zachara-Hassairi for LAS
* Przemysław Niczyporuk for MIĘDZY NAMI SĄ SYTUACJE
* Ernest Wilczyński, Nicolas Villegas for MYŚMY JUŻ BYLI. BOHATEROWIE STARYCH POWĄZEK
The PSC Awards nominees in the Film Series Episode category include:
* Mateusz Wichłacz for A WORLD DIVIDED S1E5
* Witold Płóciennik for IDŹ PRZODEM BRACIE S1E5
* Jakub Stolecki for KIEDY ŚLUB? S1E1
* Jeremi Prokopowicz for KRUCJATA 2. ZNAK BLIŹNIĄT S2E1
* Jacek Podgórski for LADY LOVE S1E4
* Michał Sobociński for NOWY STYL S1E3
* Marian Prokop, Tomasz Naumiuk for ODWILŻ S2E5
* Klaudiusz Dwulit for PROSTA SPRAWA S1E6
* Maciej Sobieraj for ROJST MILLENIUM S3E6
* Mikołaj Łebkowski for SKAZANA S4E1
* Maciej Lisiecki for ZATOKA SZPIEGÓW S1E1
During the 13th PSC Awards Gala, the Members of the Society will honour the outstanding set designer – Wojciech Żogała (graduate and lecturer of directing) with a Special Award, and the cinematographer Arkadiusz Tomiak (graduate of cinematography) with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Complete list of nominees: psc.pl/nominacje-do-nagrody-psc-2025
The PSC Awards have been granted since 2013. Every year the Association of Cinematographers honours with its award the creator of the Best Cinematography for a Feature Film, Documentary Film and Episode of a Series. The decision on granting the PSC Award is made by the cinematographers associated in the Association.
Link to gala which starts at 7 p.m. youtube.com/live/3Eewb-aBGdU
Congratulations to all the nominees.
Fingers crossed!
Photo: PSC press materials
* Tomasz Naumiuk for IMAGO * Michał Englert for KOBIETA Z...
* Piotr Sobociński Jr for KOS
The PSC Awards nominees in the Documentary Film category include:
* Piotr Szczepański for DWADZIEŚCIA LAT PÓŹNIEJ: C.K.O.D.3
* Aleksandr Tsymbaliuk for KOKA
* Olgierd Michalak (our graduate), Rafał Hamrol for KRĄG PUTINA. TAJEMNICE ROSYJSKICH MAJĄTKÓW W EUROPIE
* Zuzanna Zachara-Hassairi for LAS
* Przemysław Niczyporuk for MIĘDZY NAMI SĄ SYTUACJE
* Ernest Wilczyński, Nicolas Villegas for MYŚMY JUŻ BYLI. BOHATEROWIE STARYCH POWĄZEK
The PSC Awards nominees in the Film Series Episode category include:
* Mateusz Wichłacz for A WORLD DIVIDED S1E5
* Witold Płóciennik for IDŹ PRZODEM BRACIE S1E5
* Jakub Stolecki for KIEDY ŚLUB? S1E1
* Jeremi Prokopowicz for KRUCJATA 2. ZNAK BLIŹNIĄT S2E1
* Jacek Podgórski for LADY LOVE S1E4
* Michał Sobociński for NOWY STYL S1E3
* Marian Prokop, Tomasz Naumiuk for ODWILŻ S2E5
* Klaudiusz Dwulit for PROSTA SPRAWA S1E6
* Maciej Sobieraj for ROJST MILLENIUM S3E6
* Mikołaj Łebkowski for SKAZANA S4E1
* Maciej Lisiecki for ZATOKA SZPIEGÓW S1E1
During the 13th PSC Awards Gala, the Members of the Society will honour the outstanding set designer – Wojciech Żogała (graduate and lecturer of directing) with a Special Award, and the cinematographer Arkadiusz Tomiak (graduate of cinematography) with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Complete list of nominees: psc.pl/nominacje-do-nagrody-psc-2025
The PSC Awards have been granted since 2013. Every year the Association of Cinematographers honours with its award the creator of the Best Cinematography for a Feature Film, Documentary Film and Episode of a Series. The decision on granting the PSC Award is made by the cinematographers associated in the Association.
Link to gala which starts at 7 p.m. youtube.com/live/3Eewb-aBGdU
Congratulations to all the nominees.
Fingers crossed!
Photo: PSC press materials