Jan Frycz visiting the Acting Dept.
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15. 01. 2015. Department

On 22 January, Jan Frycz will run a master class in acting for the diploma year students. The actor has accepted the invitation of Łukasz Maciejewski.

Jan Frycz, a film and theatre actor, is a graduate of the Cracow Drama School. In 1978, while still a drama student, he played the role of Edmund in the play ‘Damy i huzary’ by Aleksander Fredro, which was his theatre debut. His film debut was the role of a printer in ‘Dagny’ by Haakon Sandoy (1976). In the second half of the 70s and the 80s, his career was mostly devoted to theatre work. From 1978-82 and 1984-89, he performed at the Słowacki Theatre in Cracow, in the1982-83 season at the National Theatre in Warsaw, in the 1983-84 season at the Polski Theatre, also in Warsaw. From 1989-2006, he acted at the Stary Theatre in Cracow. Since 2006, he has been an actor at the National Theatre in Warsaw. Frycz is a member of the Polish Film Academy. He has created many theatre and film roles such as General in the film ‘Nieruchomy poruszyciel’ by Łukasz Barczyk, father in the film ‘Pręgi’ by Magdalena Piekorz and Professor Zdzisław Dąbrowski in the film ‘Korowod’ by Jerzy Stuhr. He played the leading role in ‘Sanctuary’ , Lodz Film School graduate, Nora McGettigan’s film debut. On 23 January, there will be the cinema premiere of Łukasz Barczyk’s film ‘Hiszpanka’, starring Jan Frycz as Ignacy Jan Paderewski.

Łukasz Maciejewski is an Acting Department lecturer, film and theatre critic and journalist. Last year, his classes with students were visited by Danuta Stenka, Borys Szyc, Greg Zgliński and Łukasz Dzięcioł

Łukasz Maciejewski on the actor Jan Frycz:

“JAN FRYCZ – King of acting”

“Recent seasons have not been the most favourable for the actor. Obviously, the directors did not have a clue how to take advantage of his acting potential. However, it was worth waiting for his genius to flourish in the play "Wycinka" by Bernhard directed by Krystian Lupa. Frych is the brightest point of the play, with his performance reaching the highest level of acting skill. Although he appears on stage as late as in the second act, his performance incorporating autho-ironical aspect of the character he portrays, who’s also full of megalomania, which eventually turn into horror and dismay, is very impressive. Thank to actor’s intellectual awareness as well as natural sense of humour his character in "Wycinka" is so funny, to later become awful and scary, and finally even tragic. The last year undoubtedly belonged to Frycz: his great performance in a television play "Dawne grzechy" will be remembered. For the role of Ivan Nikołajevicz -Zachedrynski in Jerzy Jarocki’s TV broadcast of the play "Miłość na Krymie" by Mrożek he received a well-deserved prize at the "Dwa Teatry" Festival. He also played a small part of a media concern owner in Patryk Vega’s "Służby specjalne". This month we’ll be able to see Jan Frych performing Ignacy Jan Paderewski in a long-awaited Łukasz Barczyk’s film "Hiszpanka" -. Frycz: King of acting?”

Photo. Press material on the film "Sanctuary"