Our students films screening in competition and out of competition at the Lubuskie Film Summer in Łagów.
Films in competition: „Luna” by Filip Gieldon (artistic supervision: Piotr Mikucki), „Praska 24” by Patrycja Polkowska (artistic supervision: Maciej Drygas), „Polowanie” by Michał Jankowski and „The must be the ritual” by Robin Lipo (artistic supervision: Mariusz Grzegorzek). This year the short film jury members are: Wanda Mirowska (Jury Chairperson), István Krasztel and Tomasz Broda.
These student films will be screened out of competition: „Shujayya” by Moha Almughanni (artistic supervision: Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz), „Dziadku, nie słyszę” by Iza Kiszczak (artistic supervision: Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz), „La etiuda” by Martin Rath and Yann Seweryn (artistic supervision: Ryszard Lenczewski & Jacek Koprowicz), „Lokatorki” by Klara Kochańska (artistic supervision: Robert Gliński, Wojciech Marczewski and Jerzy Zieliński), „Zaczyn” by Artur Hanaj (artistic supervision: Piotr Dumała, Piotr Milczarek), „Zdrowaśka” by Aleksandra Wit (artistic supervision: Piotr Dumała, Piotr Milczarek), „Łańcuszki” by Alicja Błaszczyńska (artistic supervision: Mariusz Wilczyński, Joanna Jasińska), „Bestia” by Agnieszka Konarska (artistic supervision: Krzysztof Rynkiewicz, Kacper Zamarło), „Cokolwiek się zdarzy, kocham Cię” by Justyna Mytnik (artistic supervision: Sławomir Kryński, Wojciech Żogała) and finally „Józef Pokutnik” – a project of a group of students from the direction department made under the artistic supervision of Jan Jakub Kolski.
Lubuskie Film Summer, which takes place in Łagów, is the oldest film festival in Poland. The main prize of the festival is “Złote Grono” (Golden Grape Bunch). It’s the festival tradition to invite famous film makers and actors. This year among the guests there are Andrzej Seweryn and Jan Jakub Kolski.
The Festival finishes on 2 July.
Festival website: http://www.llf.pl/
These student films will be screened out of competition: „Shujayya” by Moha Almughanni (artistic supervision: Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz), „Dziadku, nie słyszę” by Iza Kiszczak (artistic supervision: Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz), „La etiuda” by Martin Rath and Yann Seweryn (artistic supervision: Ryszard Lenczewski & Jacek Koprowicz), „Lokatorki” by Klara Kochańska (artistic supervision: Robert Gliński, Wojciech Marczewski and Jerzy Zieliński), „Zaczyn” by Artur Hanaj (artistic supervision: Piotr Dumała, Piotr Milczarek), „Zdrowaśka” by Aleksandra Wit (artistic supervision: Piotr Dumała, Piotr Milczarek), „Łańcuszki” by Alicja Błaszczyńska (artistic supervision: Mariusz Wilczyński, Joanna Jasińska), „Bestia” by Agnieszka Konarska (artistic supervision: Krzysztof Rynkiewicz, Kacper Zamarło), „Cokolwiek się zdarzy, kocham Cię” by Justyna Mytnik (artistic supervision: Sławomir Kryński, Wojciech Żogała) and finally „Józef Pokutnik” – a project of a group of students from the direction department made under the artistic supervision of Jan Jakub Kolski.
Lubuskie Film Summer, which takes place in Łagów, is the oldest film festival in Poland. The main prize of the festival is “Złote Grono” (Golden Grape Bunch). It’s the festival tradition to invite famous film makers and actors. This year among the guests there are Andrzej Seweryn and Jan Jakub Kolski.
The Festival finishes on 2 July.
Festival website: http://www.llf.pl/