
Switchboardtel. 42 6366 066, 42 6366 673

Every full time student can stay at the student dormitory if he fulfils the conditions included in the Rector's Order number 15/2007.   


Łódź, 189/191 Piotrkowska
St.Dormitory manager: 42 6366 980
Dormitory switchboard: 42 6366 066, 42 6366 673

Dormitory reception is open daily 7 a.m.– 10 p.m. 


International student can stay at the dormitory for the duration of the entrance exam for free. No payment period starts on the day preceding the first day of the exam and lasts until the day after the last exam day. However, the accommodation provided is not in single rooms.The bedding and sheets are provided.The student can arrive a couple of days prior to the commencement of the exam and stay a couple of days longer but he will be charged for the exceeding nights 50 PLN per night.

Scientific Clubs

Lodz Film School Student Scientific Clubs are examples of student initiatives to organize special interest clubs dealing with didactic and artistic activity outside the school teaching program. Club members are students and teachers who are interested in introducing innovative formal and artistic solutions in the field of film art. The clubs are places where artistic ideas and projects can be exchanged and shared. More information, especially about starting a club, can be found in Rector's Regulation 32/2021 on the School's BIP site.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact the club leader/supervisor.


There are a few types of financial aid for which Lodz Film School students can apply. They are:

1. Financial aid grants for students from families with low incomes – this financial support is mostly for Polish students and very few international students such as refugees in the territory of Poland, or the holders of Karta Polaka (Pole Card). There is no deadline here.

2. Rector’s Scholarship for the best students – international students who have finished the first year of their film studies and received very good marks and have achieved something in the field of the arts or sport can apply for this scholarship. The scholarship is granted to up to 10 % of the top students in a given department and the deadline is 30 October. For details of how to apply see the Polish version. 

3. Minister’s Scholarship for the best students – international students who finished the first year of their film studies and received very good marks and have achieved something in the field of the arts or sport can apply for this scholarship. The scholarship is granted to up to 5% of the top students in a given department and the deadline is 8 October. For details of how to apply see the Polish version.

All three types of financial aid mentioned above are high enough to contribute only to students’ living expenses during their studies. They cannot cover tuition fees.

Applications should be submitted in rooms A 2,08 (tel. 42 27-55-802, 808)

NOTICE! Scholarships do not apply to postgraduate students.