Each year the Lodz Film School runs many cultural, educational, and research projects. A special Non-budgetary Funds Section has been created at the school for the purpose of raising funds for the projects. The section facilitates the participation of scholars, teachers and Film School employees in taking advantage of the outside funding for the projects. If you have an idea for a project of your own and you would like to get familiar with the functioning of the Section, or find out about new financing possibilities, please contact us.

We encourage you to cooperate with us.

For further information please check the Section’s website where you will find the descripotion of grant programs, the information on current competitions and required documents.


The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Lodz
Targowa 57, St.
90-323 Lodz, Poland

Dorota Schreiber
tel. 42 63 45 975

Milena Wika
tel. 42 63 45 975