We produce short fiction, documentary and animation films made using film technology available with the usage of modern equipment. We cooperate with all the major film studios in Poland and initiate new contacts abroad. All areas of film production work: camera equipment, sound, editing, scenery, props and set design, are involved in the making of every film from the shooting stage to the production of the final print. We are trying to keep up-to-date with each technical innovation as it appears in the world of contemporary film technology. Each year, new equipment is purchased – from cameras to picture and post-production sound facilities so that the school can give a taste of professional production and students, the future filmmakers, feel at home in this environment.
Nearly 200 audio-visual projects, resulting in 16 hours of screening, equal to the duration of over 10 full-length films – these impressive figures of annual school film production place us at the top of the largest Polish film producers. We shoot and produce student films in various parts of the world. Professional crews, modern equipment, international contacts, and most of all – the unlimited imagination of the Lodz Film School students – all this contributes to the success of the student films produced by the school.
A Lodz Film School student who is about to start work on a film project can count on extensive help. We assist the young filmmaker at all stages of the film production process from planning, through budgeting, documentation, shooting and finally producing the screening print. Specialists in film production in the areas of picture, lighting, sound, music, art direction, and also copyrights, will answer each difficult question. Tutors, who are student films artistic superviors include: Anna Jadowska, Leszek Dawid, Magnus von Horn, Łukasz Barczyk, Jan Komasa, Grzegorz Jaroszuk, Jan Jakub Kolski, Mariusz Grzegorzek, Filip Bajon, Robert Gliński, Jagoda Szelc, Kirk Kjeldsen, Bronka Nowicka, Ryszard Brylski, Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz, Martin Rath, Maciej Drygas, Jacek Petrycki, Marta Prus, Jacek Bławut, Mirosław Dembiński, Jarosław Kamiński, Milenia Fiedler, Mariusz Kuś, Marek Król, Maciej Pawliński, Bartosz Pietras, Rafał Listopad, Stanisław Szymański, Piotr Wojtowicz, Ryszard Lenczewski, Wojciech Staroń, Piort Kukla, Paweł Edelman, Jolanta Dylewska, Jacek Rokosz, Kacper Zamarło, Agata Gorządek, Mariusz Wilczyński, Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz, Piotr Milczarek, Piotr Dumała, Aleksandra Chrapowicka. They take care of the artistic qualities of the films.
After the shooting stage, the film is subjected to professional post-production. Already during the shooting of their first student films the students are exposed to a real film-set environment. The school produces film direction students’ fiction and documentary films, animation films and direction of photography students’ films on 35mm filmstock and on analogue and digital video.
We cooperate on a regular basis with outside specialized production and post-production houses, film studios, film centres, television stations and service providers offering professional equipment and film services.
Piotr Noszczyk
Head Manager of Film Production Department
tel. 726 157 515
42 27 54 799
Beata Gzik
Deputy Manager Film Production Department
tal. 726 156 106
42 27 54 622
Paulina Balcerzak-Kucharska
Film Production Coordination Specialist
tel. 603 721 511
42 27 54 638
Jerzy Grzywacz
Lighting Equipment Storeroom, Staff and Light equipment bookings
tel. kom. 726 156 126
j.grzywacz@filmschool.lodz.pl // m.staszek@filmschool.lodz.pl
Film Equipment Storeroom
tel. kom. 726 156 127
i.majewski@filmschool.lodz.pl // a.letkowski@filmschool.lodz.pl
Tatiana Matysiak
Head of Lighting and Film Equipment Dept.
tel. 42 27 54 824
tel. kom. 725 371 212
Camera Assistants
w.kazmierczak@filmschool.lodz.pl // w.blazynski@filmschool.lodz.pl
Edyta Sęk-Koniarska
Manager, Postproduction Bookings
tel. 42 27 54 646
tel. 42 27 54 689
Video recording and transfer
tel. 42 27 54 631
Anna Kamocka
tel. 422754739
pokój nr. 341 budynek CNM
Krzysztof Wiechnik
tel. kom. 726 156 149
Michał Klimczak
Deputy head of the editing department
tel. kom. 726 156 159
Iwona Kawiorska
Manager, Sound Postproduction Bookings
tel. 42 27 55 882
tel. kom. 726 156 108
Sound Equipment Storeroom
Jarosław Frankowski
tel. 42 27 55 949
tel. kom. 505 078 202
Sound Recordists
tel. 42 27 55 852
tel. 42 27 55 893
Lucyna Wielopolska-Lorenc
Deputy Head of the Sound Department
tel. kom. 726 156 110
Piotr Ciesiołkiewicz
tel. 42 27 55 833
tel. 601 826 856
Tomasz Stefaniak
Film Coordinator
tel. 42 27 54 768
tel. kom. 601 793 033
Natalia Truszkowska
Film Coordinator
tel. 42 27 54 682
tel. kom. 601 354 344
Jakub Gogolewski
Film Coordinator
tel. kom. 667 150 457
tel. 42 27 54 686
Zuzanna Karaś
Film Coordinator
tel. kom. 797 745 125
tel. 42 27 54 682
Tomasz Kucharski
Film Coordinator
tel. kom. 607 138 338
tel. 42 27 54 768
Jagoda Janusz
Film Coordinator
tel. kom. 881046007
Zuzanna Szczęsna
Film Coordinator
tel. kom. 696873774