AUTHORITIES The School's collegial bodies are: the School Council, the Senate and the School Commission for Degrees. The single-person bodies are: Rector, Vice-Rectors and Deans. Rector runs the School’s policy and represents the School outside. The Rector of the current term is Her Magnificence Milenia Fiedler, Ph. D.
The School is autonomous in all areas of its activity according to the rules specified in the legal act. The School's collegial bodies are: the School Council, the Senate and the School Commission for Degrees. The single-person bodies are: Rector, Vice-Rectors and Deans.
The Rector runs the school’s policy and represents the school outside. He is in charge of all school’s employees and students. The Rector makes decisions in all matters concerning the school with the exception of those specified by the Statute, and remaining in charge of other school authorities or the school’s chancellor. The Rector runs the school supported by his plenipotentiaries.
The Chancellor empowered by the Rector is in charge of school’s administration and management and makes decisions concerning the school’s property within the boundaries of this empowerment.
(PWSFTviT Statute)
Milenia Fiedler, Ph. D. Rector
Marek Szyryk, Prof. Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Teaching
Katarzyna Mąka-Malatyńska, Ph.D. Vice-Rector for Science and Artistic Creativity
Leszek Dawid, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty of Film and Television Directing
Paweł Edelman, Prof. Dean of the Faculty of Cinematography and Television Production
Piotr Seweryński, Prof. Dean of the Acting Department
Anna Pachnicka, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty of Film Art Organization
Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz, Prof.
Anna Maria Zarychta, Ph.D.
Marcin Brzozowski, Ph.D.
Ireneusz Czop, Ph.D.
Maciej Drygas, Prof.
Krzysztof Heyke, Prof.
Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz, Ph.D.
Jarosław Kamiński, Ph.D.
Tomasz Komorowski, Prof.
Izabela Łapińska, Prof.
Anna Sarna-Śniecikowska, Ph.D.
Roman Sawka, Ph.D.
Paweł Siedlik, Ph.D.
Marian Szukalski, Ph.D.
Monika Talarczyk, Ph.D.
Piotr Wojtowicz, Prof.
Marek Kałużyński, Ph.D.
Marcin Malatyński, Ph.D.
Piotr Śliskowski, Ph.D.
Monika Żelazowska, Ph.D.
Kinga Nguyen
Julia Pietrasik
Adrian Pietruszewski
Eryk Siemianowicz
Szymon Szymański
Jan Bujnowski, Ph.D.
Tomasz Stępniak
Agata Targaszewska, Ph.D.
Monika Jaworska, Ph.D.
Dorota Pruchniewska, Ph.D.
ZNA, NSZ "Solidarność", NSZ "Niezależność"