Photofestival x Ravekjavik x Film School
All news
20. 06. 2024. Department

This week we are focusing the power of creative energy on artistic activities as part of Fotofestiwal and the Ravekjavik festival. See what we have prepared for you.

We invite you to a number of exhibitions, installations, performances, concerts and shows. Check out the programme of Fotofestiwal and Ravekjavik where we will present the work of students, graduates and lecturers of the Lodz Film School.

* 11 June *
Photosophical activities - Różycki / Omulecki / Talaga
Alfred Biedermann palace in Łódź, 1/5, Franciszkańska Street
Start: 11 June, 7 p.m.
About the exhibition: 

* 13 June *
SOFT SPOT Exhibition - Michalina Kacperak
Art_Inkubator, 3, Tymienieckiego Street
Start: 13 June, 7 p.m.
About the exhibition:

* 15 June *
Concert and video art shows
52, Niciarniana Street – Film School Stage
Start: 15 June, 8 p.m.

Artists: Weronika Althamer, Ewa Ciechanowska-Urbańska, Alicja Godyń & Jakub Kopiczak, Marcin Korbus, Szymon Kowalczyk, Dorota Kozieradzka, Krzysztof Szpryngiel, Bartek Talaga & Marcin Korbus. Curator: Filip Gabriel Pudło

Artists’ statement: We expand the scope of photography by searching for its connections with moving images, sound art and generative artificial intelligence. Audiovisual performative activities, video works, generated photography and autonomous, generative installations are our answer to questions about the future of photography and the impact of technological development on contemporary vision.


NO'AM Exhibition - Grzegorz Wełnicki
Szklarnia Gallery, Lodz Film School
Start: 15 June, 7 p.m.
About the exhibition:

CIOTA Exhibition - Natalia Kościelska
(graduation work: grade excellent, supervision: Paweł Bownik/Krzysztof Pijarski)
Szklania II – Lodz Film School
Start: 15 June, 7:30 p.m.

* 19 June *
Screening of student films from the Lodz Film School
Theatre Hall, Art_Inkubator, 3, Tymienieckiego Street
Start: 19 June, 7.30 p.m.
About the show:

Complete Fotofestiwal programme:

Events as part of SPINOFF Fotofestiwal (still ongoing!)

* 12 June *
AMNEZJE Exhibition
AOKZ Gallery, 3, Włókiennicza Street
Start: 12 June, 5 p.m.
About the exhibition:

TIZER Exhibition
S35 Gallery 35, Sienkiewicza Street
Start: 12 June, 8 p.m.
About the exhibition:

WOLNOŚĆ Exhibition
Biblio-Art Gallery
open until 18 June!
About the

Łódź Fabryczna Railway Station
About the exhibition:

VIS VITALIS Exhibition
MSK: Polesie - Ośrodek Sztuki,
ul. Krzemieniecka 2a, Łódź
open until 18 June!
About the exhibition:

All Spinoff events:

photo 1 – Fotofestiwal press materials
photo 2 - Ravekjavik press materials