Our directing graduate Mohammed Almughanni received two Industry Days FIPADOC awards for his documentary film project SON OF THE STREETS which will be a continuation of the story from his student film
On 2nd February 5:00 PM we would like to invite You to kino Kinematograf to the screening of the film "Popiół i diament". Screening with english subtitles!
Our cinematography graduate Marek Kozakiewicz’s documentary film SILENT LOVE received the Jury Honorable Mention at SLAMDANCE Film Festival.
More good news coming from France. The fiction film THE DEVIL directed by Jan Bujnowski will compete at the CLERMONT-FERRAND International Short Film Festival.
Jeśli jeszcze w 2021 roku nieśmiało wychodziliśmy z domów, to w kolejnym już odważnie patrzyliśmy w przyszłość! TWORZYLIŚMY, działaliśmy i organizowaliśmy!