The film debut of Jagoda Szelc “Tower, A Bright Day” will be screened as part of “Work in Progress” being part of IFF in Karlowe Wary.
Our PhD student Paulina Skibińska’s recognition in "The Young in Lodz – I’ve got an idea for a business" Competition. Her idea – films made with 360 degree spherical cameras.
Entrance exam period at the Lodz Film School has already started. Large numbers of Polish applicants compete to become students of the famous school. See the photo report which is often being updated.
The play „The Devil, who…” will be performed in the program of the 9th International Drama Schools’ Festival iTSelF at the Collegium Nobilium Theatre of the Warsaw Drama Academy on 2, July.
The leading theme of this year’s International Film Festival which takes place in Lodz from 14 – 21 July is Power of a Woman. Ed Norton is the special guest of the festival.